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The IAP at 50. Reflections from an IAP Member.

I started out as a programmer in 1981 for a software house who wrote bespoke systems and installed 3rd party software for DEC/Systime systems for customers.

My first application was for a bespoke invoicing system for a new customer. The customer also had installed the Systime payroll system which had been installed by one of my colleagues – but had since left.

The main part of my system was ready for live testing. I went to the site to install it with the Customer Manager who looked after the customer. He chatted with the customer staff whilst I did my bit. Fine. Went to tell them it was all installed and ready for testing. The missing parts (just some reports) would be installed in the next couple of weeks. Any problems just let me know etc.

I was just starting to edge out of the room when one of the staff piped up – Well as you asking there’s a problem with the payroll. My heart sank as it wasn’t my program and I didn’t really know it. The person who had just left had been the expert on these – and no one else had ‘got into them’ yet. Yes, I asked. Well she said, we can’t get into the payroll. It’s asking for this thing called a password. We don’t know what to type there.

When we had the training, we’ve got no note of what to type and the documentation just says to type in the password which has been set up by the administrator. So, I asked, you’re never actually used the payroll system since it was installed and training given? No, she said. At the point the Customer Manager muttered some unprintable words and phrases and turned to me asked if I could fix this? Fix it – I’d never used the Payroll system. However I said I’d have a look.

I got a directory listing of the files on the system and looked at the names to see if any gave any clue as to which one might help. There it was. PASMAN. I tried running that and whoopee it asked to enter the required password. They agreed on a password (which they wrote down in a book!), I typed it in, the program ended, they started the payroll system, entered this password and lo and behold the payroll main menu was displayed. Joy all round. The Customer Manager was smiling and we adjourned to the local pub.

I was called the Magician for a while after that as I had ‘pulled a rabbit out of the hat’.


Don’t Write It Down