Improving Software for Society

IAP Software Development Prize

The IAP’s work with our academic partners includes the awarding of a prize to the best software project by a student. There have been some superb entries. The prize is called the Institution of Analysts and Programmers Prize for the Best Software Development Project and any of our Academic Partner Universities can submit candidates. Our panel will review the projects and award the prize. While not awarded at each university every year, it is a popular and prestigious award to win. The prize consists of a financial award, a framed certificate and a five year membership of the Institution.


•  2023: Michael Bruty – University of Plymouth

•  2022: Jordan Finch – University of Plymouth

•  2021: Jonathon Bray – University of Plymouth

•  2020: Shannon Rice – University of Plymouth

•  2019: Oliver Narramore – University of Plymouth

•  2018: Craig Banyard – University of Plymouth

•  2017: Jodie O’Reilly – University of Plymouth

•  2016: Alexander Richardson – University of Plymouth

•  2015: Ben Cuthbertson – University of Plymouth

•  2014: Billy Criddle – University of Plymouth

•  2012: Megan Goodwin – University of Wales, Newport

•  2011: Dominic Streeter – University of Plymouth

•  2010: David Pryor – University of Wales, Newport

•  2009: Pete Randall – University of Plymouth – Bug Tracker Application: BugZapp

•  2008: John Thomson – University of Plymouth

•  2007: Richard Mather – Kellogg College, University of Oxford